Test Automation Blog

Tools, Tips and Thoughts for Selenium UI and API automated testing

Create a mock REST API with zero coding – fast!

Introduction There are times when it’s super-useful to be able to quickly create your own RESTful API, whether it’s for learning test automation or for front-end developers needing a mock back-end. You could code your own API but it’s a time-consuming and tricky process. Alternatively public APIs are available but suffer from significant drawbacks: you […]

Hate Cucumber & BDD for API tests?

It’s crucial to know when to use Cucumber and BDD to test APIs, and when NOT to. It’s a controversial topic and many have strong views on this, so in this article we’re going to take a good look – using real world examples – of when to use BDD, Cucumber, feature files and Gherkin to […]

Implementing Method Chaining with a Page Object Model

When creating a test automation framework using the Page Object Model design pattern and Selenium, a useful feature to add is Method Chaining (also known as Fluid Syntax) to make your test steps more readable and therefore maintainable. So instead of your test code using a LoginPage object like this: Using fluid syntax we can […]

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